Newsletter June 23rd, 2020
As we move rapidly towards the end of second term, I believe everyone in our community - students, parents, staff and supporters alike - need to give yourselves a massive pat on the back. We are presently living through constantly changing and challenging times. Yet amidst all of the turmoil and uncertainty each member of our community has been prepared to move outside their comfort zone to take on learning roles they never imagined. Although it was hard at times, everyone experienced success. The learning that has taken place cannot be measured through testing and assessment, yet each of us has growth in many ways. Thank you to everyone for your genuine ‘have a go’ attitude.
It will be important that we all recognise that we are not over the virus situation by any means. Whilst a return to remote learning is unlikely, the present protocols we have in place at school may need to remain in place. We will continue to keep you informed over the holiday break if there are any changes to our present way of operating.
A reminder that, in order to do our best to protect our community from contracting any virus, it is important to ensure that any unwell staff and students remain at home. If a child presents to the office expressing that they are unwell, or if a staff member feels that a child is displaying unwell symptoms, parents/carers will be called to collect them from school. It is important that in this current climate we are vigilant with the health of the community and take measures to make good decisions.
A reminder that Term 2 concludes this Friday June 26th at 2:00pm. Term 3 will commence on Monday July 13th.
On Thursday 24th June, our Semester 1 student reports will be released on PAM. We all recognise and acknowledge that this first semester has been a very different one and so our reports will reflect this and perhaps look quite different to our regular reports. Please read the below letter from the Director of Catholic Education for more information regarding this.
This week we say farewell to Mr Caine Stabek who has worked at St Brigid’s for fourteen and a half years. Caine started here in 2003 and worked here for eight years, and returned in 2014 where he has been a classroom teacher until now. As his family has relocated to Ballarat, Caine has sought and gained employment closer to home and so it is time to say farewell to him for the second time. Caine has been a fantastic staff member, parent and strong advocate for our school throughout his time with us. We will miss his humour, wisdom of all in our community, and support to any one who may need it. He loves his role as a classroom teacher and has brought plenty of fun and learning to this task. He gains the respect of of his students and they love being in his class. St Brigid’s loss is Berry Street’s gain. We will miss him but wish him every success in his new role.
We have some fabulous authors in our midst!! Congratulations first of all to all of the students who so enthusiastically entered the recent Moorabool Young Writers Award. It takes real courage to be prepared to share your writing for others to judge in such a public way. Additionally, it takes both perseverance and creativity to produce a story worthy of such a competition. A particular congratulations to both Bryson McMIllan and Joseph Seketa for each gaining and honourable mention for their stories. They are proud to share their stories with you.
Unknown Battleground - Joseph Seketa
Boom! Boom! I suddenly sat up. Where am I, I think. I feel around on the floor. Why is there a pickaxe next to me? I pick up the pickaxe and start walking. Suddenly I hear a sound. A loud bang I turn around to see a guy disappear and drop his guns to the floor. I race over and grab his gun and run away. 2 hours later I found a small house in the middle of the island. Suddenly I hear footsteps.
I jump out of my building and start spraying my assault rifle. At one point I hear the guy die, I stop firing my gun. I find a miracle laying on the ground, a legendary weapon, a grappler and an RPG.
I found some materials from the guy I just killed. I figure out how to build ramps, roofs, walls and floors. I build myself a little house and wait for the last guy.
There 2 people left me and him. I'm camping in a house waiting for him. Baboom Baboom my heart is racing as I hear Him walk past I jump out and start attacking him. He starts attacking me. I'm on one health when I kill him. I've won. whoo hoo. I'm not very excited as I know another round is coming of this terrible game fortnite.
Dug The Hero - Bryson McMillan
On an early Summer morning under the ocean in a coral reef, two friends Dug the Dolphin and Samantha the Octopus were exploring an old rusted shipwreck, that was lying in the centre of the brightly coloured coral reef.
As they got deeper into the shipwreck they found a nice spot to sit down and chat while listening to the clams bubbling, the fish swimming and the electric eels buzzing.
Meanwhile on the east side of the reef a shark named Tyrone had just freed himself from a fishing net and was super hungry because he hadn’t eaten in days. He started swimming around looking for food when he stumbled across Dug and Samantha sitting in the old shipwreck of the open sea.
He began circling above Dug and Samantha excitedly, thinking to himself here comes dinner!
Dug looked up and spotted Tyrone approaching them, and yelled out to Samantha, “WATCH OUT THERE'S A SHARK COMING TOWARDS US!”
“WHERE? I’LL SQUIRT MY INK AT HIM!” replied Samantha.
“HE’S BEHIND YOU!” screamed Dug.
Samantha quickly turned around and squirted a colossal amount of dark black ink in Tyrone’s eyes temporarily blinding him.
“AHHHH I CAN’T SEE!!!” shouted Tyrone.
Tyrone began swimming around erratically all over the place and ended up crashing head-on into a sharp piece of rare, bright red coral.Tyrone was furious. “I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!” He boomed.
“You know what Dug? I think I’m ready to go home now!” said Samantha.
“I’m ready to go home too, especially after that scary encounter,” replied Dug.
“Hey Samantha do you want to meet up here again tomorrow?” asked Dug.
“Sure,” replied Samantha.
The very next day Tyrone was back lurking and hunting for his next prey. He was hungrier and angrier than ever.
He began searching the floor of the coral reef looking for food, when he flipped over a rock with his fin, and hiding underneath, was a giant sea slug. Tyrone got very excited and with his razor sharp ferocious teeth he happily tore it apart and devoured that poor defenceless sea slug!!!
Now that Tyrone had a nice full belly, he leisurely swam over to the old shipwreck and started circling above it, in anticipation for Dug and Samantha to finally show up for his main meal.
Exactly 20 minutes later, Dug and Samantha arrived together at the shipwreck and happily sparked up a conversation about how to make fish lasagna, while eating their fish butter and jelly fish sandwiches. Dug heard a loud swishing noise and noticed the starfish, the parrotfish, the lobster and a family of octopi camouflaging in the sand. Alarm bells started ringing in Dug’s head, and he knew something was wrong.
Dug looked up from the shipwreck and could not believe his eyes! Tyrone was back and darting directly towards them as fast as lightning!
“QUICK Samantha get on my back! I’ll swim us to safety!” yelled Dug.
“NOT SO FAST!” yelled Tyrone as he knocked Samantha right off Dug’s back with his long pointy snout. Dug was so angry that he quickly turned around and slapped Tyrone so hard with his enormous tail that Tyrone catapulted out of the water and landed on the beach never to be seen again!!!
“Samantha where are you?!” cried Dug.
“I’m over here at the shipwreck!” screamed Samantha.
“Well we won’t be seeing him ever again!” said Dug reassuringly.
All of a sudden the sea creatures in the reef began to emerge from underneath the large cave like rocks, the long thick seaweed and from beneath the muddy sand surrounding Dug chanting, “DUG THE HERO! DUG THE HERO! DUG THE HERO!!!!!!!!!!!” Thanks to Dug, the reef was safe again!
Attached to the newsletter today is the latest drawing for the updating of our outdoor area. While the project has been delayed by challenges around both COVID 19 and budget, we are still very much working to a design that will improve the safety of our playground in a very significant way. This first stage includes: the removal of the large trees behind the church, excavation of the area, installation of significant retaining walls, repair and extension of the basketball court area, new fencing, repair and possible extension of the adventure playground and landscaping including tree planting of the upgraded space. Such steps will certainly improve not only the safety aspect of the grounds but the overall aesthetics of the space. Once these important safety aspects have been addressed we intend to develop a more complete Master Plan which will potentially include aspects such as upgrading the oval area and the installation of further shade sails all being future possibilities.
Unfortunately as a group we have not yet been able to physically meet in order to conduct our planned Annual General Meeting. Additionally, we have a vacancy on our School Board which has become available due to Jodie Mullane finishing her time with us. James, her son moved onto secondary school this year and so we thank and acknowledge Jodie’s contribution to the life of our school over recent years.
If you might be interested in becoming a member of our School Advisory Council please Gabe know. If you would like more information about the SAC give Gabe a call.
Please be rest assured that fee relief is available for families requiring genuine fee support.
Please see the attached letter outlining the fee relief available, along with a Covid-19 Fee Relief Request Form and the Catholic schools Family Fee Assistance Scheme brochure for families holding a means tested Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Pensioner Card.
Please return the form and/or a copy of your valid card to the office. Please contact Gabe or the office should you wish to discuss this further.
Some representative principals from across the diocese have partnered to create a special video message for students and their families to say welcome back and thank you!
No masses until further advised due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Please see attached letter from Bishop Paul.